Why Us?
Bilingual Montessori School is the only school in Northern New Mexico that combines the Montessori philosophy of education with Spanish language integrated schooling.
We are a dynamic, bilingual and multi-national community reflecting the diverse culture and rich educational resources of the region.
We offer a complete range of educational services for children aged 6 weeks through six years old, including before and after school, and summer programs. Every parent wants the “best school” for their child, but no single school is right for everyone. Instead, the “best school” is the one that best understands and supports your own child’s unique individuality. While web sites and catalogs provide important information, the only way to know if a school is really the "best school” for your child is to see it in operation, feel its spirit, and experience the interactions among children and between them and the teachers. We welcome you to visit, experience our community first hand, and let us know what we can do for your child. |
BMS ofrece un cuidado personalizado, comprometido, responsable y, sobre todo, lleno de amor, dando la atención y el respeto que sus hijos se merecen.
La etapa más preciada e importante de todo ser humano son sus primeros años. En este tiempo se define lo que será en un futuro. Nos sentimos muy honrados y con una gran responsabilidad de poder colaborar con un granito de arena en el desarrollo integral de su hijo. En BMS creemos en la libertad que el niño debe tener, el derecho a ser escuchado, a ser respetado como un individuo y, sobre todo, y más importante a ser amado. Nuestra meta es ofrecer y motivar a sus hijos a explorar el mundo que les rodea por medio de actividades dirigidas mediante las cuales adquieran, estimulen y desarrollen conocimientos y destrezas. Y sobre todo, hacerles sentir que son parte importantísima y clave del núcleo familiar, social y espiritual. |
Our staff is thankful to you for the opportunity to take care of your treasures. As a student in our school, your child will be introduced to classroom materials that will aid them in developing concentration, coordination, and a sense of order, independence, a new language (Spanish), and academic skills.
We are members of:
We are licensed by The Children, Youth, and Families Department of the State of New Mexico (CYFD)
and Los Alamos County.
- American Montessori Society (AMS)
- North America Montessori Center (NAMC)
- National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
- North America Montessori Teacher's Association (NAMTA)
- Association Montessori International/USA (AMI/USA)
- New Mexico Child Care Association (NMCCA)
- Some of our teachers are certified by the National Center for Education (NCME) and the American Montessori Society (AMS)
- BMS is recognized by the State of New Mexico Department of Education
We are licensed by The Children, Youth, and Families Department of the State of New Mexico (CYFD)
and Los Alamos County.